Artist as Shaman
Shamanic Practitioner
Artist as Shaman Shamanic Practitioner Training
18 month training with a 6 week gathering period
Commencing anytime between 7 December and 21 January 2025 completing 30 June 2026​​
Shamanism as Creative Visionary work
There is a Creative Visionary within us all. Essentially this is the part of us we each have to claim in order to make a life lived in keeping with our true knowing and desire. Through time the Creative Visionary has featured in all cultures and civilisations.
The Creative Visionary is the artist, the leader, the planner and the inspired one. In Scotland, the Creative Visionary has been the archetypal seer. She/he can also be known as the shaman, curandero, bard, storyteller, healer, magician, witch or the medicine person amongst lots of other titles. To be a Creative Visionary is to sit alone and attune to the story within. It is also to sit with another and make space for the vision to emerge in the field between. So the Creative Visionary is also the counsellor or the empathic listener.
Creative Vision is an innovative model working to bring the Visionary to life in everyone in order to create a clear collective vision for our planet.
Carol Day, author of Shamanic Dreaming and many other published shamanic books, has been teaching Shamanic Practitioner courses for 15 years now! Her practice has evolved over the years to be one of the most innovative, contemporary, thorough, deeply safe and holding shamanic practitioner trainings available today. What is more it is completely online!
In this course you will work as a technician of creative energy, bringing the practice of the Artist and the Shamanic Practitioner into alignment! The course runs in 3 sections.
Part 1: Intro with ethics and Artist as Practitioner Prep
Part 2: Creative Shamanism Practitioner training
Part 3: Art is Shamanism practice
Part 1 is focused on an individuals calling and maps the artistic visionary territory. It is an exciting 3 months working with Edges material and setting up studio as an Artist Shamanic Practitioner You will also keep a Pathfinder journal to receive guidance on your path. There are 4 group meetings and 2 individual sessions along with 3 months of course literature.
In Part 1 you will:
learn about the wheel of the year and its relevance to creative process
cover the Edges ethics and safe practice material
tap into the realms behind the communication that art operates through
work with an embodied, earth conscious and evolved systemic approach ​
Set up studio with guides and the 3 Artist archetypes
Part 2 teaches how to hold a succinct and powerful holding space and gives a rationale for holding sessions in nature and with guides. 10 individual sessions with others are taken to build the foundations of a strong space holding ability. The path is more flowing with the practice element now. There are eight hours of online teaching sessions with a through set of Practice notes and 4 mentored sessions with another student by zoom. Land healing work, setting up ceremony and nature space, clearing, story listening and connecting with guides and story holding ones to help to build up a powerful practice are also taught. Group meetings work online with practice space in the spaces between. There will be individual mentoring by email and two individual mentoring sessions.
In Part 2 you will:
Follow a drama report practice to see how story and art fields generate
Set up practice with restoration, clearing, land healing and story wheel listening sessions
Have training in ceremony work
Use a handbook for practice
Cover case studies and book/podcast/film reflections to develop awareness of own way
Part 2: 8 months: 5 group meetings (2 hours), 2 individual sessions, 10 case studies
5 reading/film/podcast reflections
Part 3 takes the practice into the realm of the Artist. There is also a two month graduation prep period working with the moon cycles.
In Part 3 you will:
learn how to hold space with the Spirit of the Wholeness template
Go on outings with the Spirit of Art
cover a rationale for directing creative processes
journey with an Art guide who will be your teacher
map your own creativity and uncover your specialities
mentor another to uncover their creative styles and encounter healing movements
learn about and practice with Shamanic theatre and costume
work with archetypes of Art to create a practice for unlocking creativity in others
work with story, sound and art as a spiritual practice
work with art projects
Graduate through two moon cycles and develop your practice to take into life!
The Structure:
Part 3: 4 months: 4 group meetings (2 hours), 2 individual sessions, 5 case studies
5 reading/film/podcast reflections
All sessions are organised to suit participants availability and are held on Zoom
Cost £1800
Part 1: £500 Solstice Offer: £350
Part 2: £800
Part 3: £500
Payments in full £1400 instead of £1800
contact for form and details.
Carol Day is an Artist, Shamanic teacher (teacher training with Sandra Ingerman 2011 - 13 ), trained counsellor (MSc) and supervisor. She is also trained in teaching (PGCE Birmingham 1991-2) and has twenty three years of experience working with different teaching models including Steiner, Montessori and outdoor education. Her style of education is about listening and empowering. She brings the inner knowing out in all she works with and helps others to develop ways of working that enable the same.