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Writer's pictureCarrie Day

Why Earth Ensemble Constellation?

The first set of the 2 year training for Earth Ensemble Constellation practitioners graduated with me last month. They are now stepping into the world with their own versions of this beautiful work. You can check out their websites and contact details on the Practitioner page of the Wholeness Template website.

I wrote the whole course myself. It forms a 250 page work book. The course material inside this gives everything you need to know about the Earth Ensemble Practitioner practice, working alongside the taught classes. It will be a published book one day called 'This Wholeness'.

Well, I am bringing the final touches to the final module at the moment and putting my illustrations into the whole document. I am also getting ready to officially launch the first fully in person version of the training commencing at the end of this month at the Garden Studio on Falkland Estate.

I wanted to write a little here about why I developed the Earth Ensemble method of Family Constellation work and what is different about it to the traditional Family Constellation practice.

Constellation practice has as its heart the truth that for a system to operate effectively and with harmony, absolutely everyone and every part of the story needs to be able to have a place and belong. Inclusion is its aim. Not taking sides but being truthful is its practitioner power.

I am trained as a Family Constellation practitioner, a Shamanic Practitioner, a Pluralistic Counsellor and a Supervisor. All of these practitioner skills are taught and experienced throughout the two years of the course. For example, for the counselling element, you will learn about person centred, psychodynamic and gestalt practice and be taught a space holding technique that utilises all of these models. Family constellation wise you will learn all of the aspects of family constellation work in great detail and become specialists in the maps of the classic family constellation elements that are the knowing field, orders of love, carrying and handing back of fates and the undoing of entanglements. You will learn statements and understand the dynamics of victim-perpetrator; master-slave (which I call controller and oppressed).

Then it all gets interesting! Read on for how the Earth Ensemble method extends the practice.

I work with a model that I call the wholeness template (hence the name of my website) where the physical body, the lifeline, the ancestral banks and the archetypal are all included. Family constellation is so much more than the ancestral family. The constellation can be the body that is showing symptoms and needs listening and constellating in a wider context. It can be the lifeline where there are entanglements or overlays. It can be the ancestral story that is continuing. It can also be the mythical/archetypal where ancestral or current lived lands have no way of being included. Deities and mountains of strength and belonging that are part of the cultural soul and family need to be able to be included too. You won't find this in traditional family constellation practice. The Earth Ensemble methodology has a power in connecting humans back to nature and to the story of the earth and the greater meaning. It has the capacity to put people right back in touch with why they are here and help them to realign.

I am big on resourcing as a super helper for healing. It is the resourcing of the greater connected ancestors (with all their rituals and ceremonies as I put it) and the resourcing of the archetypes (who are in effect the spiritual realms and the nature healing) that plug us back into a matrix of strength and power. If something hasn't been seen and held space for in time it can have a wound that is so shocking and huge. We have the opportunity in this work to bring in the healing that has never been possible and call out to a wider web of resourcing so that a flow can happen.

As a shamanic practitioner working with what in some models is known as soul retrieval or power loss, we are used to travelling through time to places where there is an event that has blocked our ability to move forwards. We are also used to working with psychopomps who can help souls move on, curse unravellers who can undo patterns that keep going through the ancestry. I teach all of this within the Earth Ensemble practice.

The Wholeness template is a medicine wheel of infinite resonances with the wounded stories of our past (and, more controversially, future) and also a vessel of the infinite possibilities of medicine and healing.

It has 4 directions. North is Physical and present time, East is the lifeline, South is the Ancestral banks and West is the mythical/archetypal (which I understand as the forces of creation that predate but connect on the string of time with humans. They are ancestors too.

Sometimes it will be presence and being embodied in the area of north which is the physical plane in the here and now, that is called for in resourcing needs. Other times it will be disentanglers of the East and the place of the lifeline that come in. The compassionate connected ancestors of the South will always be there with their solutions and their memory of a time before the trauma of what is touched. They offer a continued lifeline of support and bring in what is needed for a flow to open from the ancestors that are cut off from us so that we can repair and access the wisdom of our blood lines again. And in the West.... Well, I learn more and more about the mythical and the archetypes everyday, but what I do know is that they are the planes behind this reality but they are also in our hills, rivers, plants and landscapes and are the resourcing and connecting with our healing myths of the lands of old. Reconnecting with them through resourcing can create enormous shifts.

Earth is our family. I would extend this to say that every single part of the cosmos are our relations. Earth is where we live and is our home for now.

I am an educator with 30 years of teaching experience, a shamanic practitioner with fifteen years of shamanic teaching experience. I am a qualified and experienced pluralistic counsellor since 2017 and a supervisor since 2020. I teach this work so skilfully and bring in all of these elements. I am big on ethics, safety and having fun. I have been holding 15 - 30 spaces for this work for most working weeks over the last nine years. I have seen a lot of change and have met a lot of ancestors and archetypes.

So the answer to why Earth Ensemble constellation is this: We belong with the earth, we are part of this communication system of nature and the earth needs us to develop the senses to learn how to communicate with it again. Shamanic and counselling space holding methods bring this into profound possibility and immediate action. The constellation part of the work takes us to the places in the story of time that the people and the earth need us to go to so we can bring healing to humans and the land at the same time. I have learnt that right now we can only heal the human stories by including the whole earth and the wider cosmos.

I love this practice so much. I can't wait to share it with some more people!

******The weekend on 30 November and 1 December sets you up with a shamanic training day and then a constellation day. You will go away with a physical copy of the book Shamanic Dreaming and an emailed copy of the intro and module 1 of the Constellation course. You can then enrol on the 2 year training if you like with the first four day course beginning in 2025.

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